Family home

Renovate detonate move
Renovate, detonate or move?!

Let’s face it, renovating or knocking down a house is a daunting proposition. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a huge decision. Same goes for selling up and the arduous task of then moving, particularly if you’ve been living in the same spot for a while. Many families arrive at a point where their home doesn’t quite meet their needs anymore. It could be...

Get smarter, don’t work harder to buy your family home

Buying a home for the first time, particularly if it’s your family home, is a massive financial decision. And for good reason – buying your family home quite possibly could be the biggest purchase you’ll likely make in your lifetime. I know because I’ve been there myself. Throw in the pressure of having a young family (or if you’re planning on starting a family in the...

Achieving a work-life balance orange wealth
Achieving a work-life balance: can you have your cake an eat it too?

Having it all is a subjective thing. Everyone measures success in different ways, and through their own filter of what it actually means. Same goes for work-life balance. In fact, I’d argue that, for society’s high achievers, the notion of work-life balance falls by the wayside in pursuit of the upper echelons of success. If I’m completely honest in asking the question, can you really have it all? I’d say...

A tasty and economical family recipe – Move over, Jamie and Heston

Okay, let me get this out of the way first: I’m no Jamie Oliver or Heston Blumenthal. In saying that, though, I love to cook and, along with my wife, we’re always on the hunt for new recipes. Sure, we have our weekly staples, but we also like to mix it up. We have two girls under three, so finding the right recipes that everyone enjoys is often...

4 things you must know about life insurance orange wealth
4 things you must know about life insurance

Insurance. We all need it in one form or another, whether that’s for the house, the car, or the family dog. Often, it’s a case of protecting our hard-earned assets and, like in the case of pets, minimising the blowout of (vet) bills. Add health insurance for the family to the bill, and it starts to get expensive. Interestingly, though, there’s one form of insurance that many people typically...

Date night ideas for new parents
Date night ideas for new parents

Ah, yes, date nights. If you’re a parent, chances are these have become a bygone conclusion. In fact, it’s often hard to reconcile just how much time you had on your hands, pre kids. Whether that was being able to shoot off anywhere at the drop of a hat, or, more importantly, spending quality time with your partner. Nowadays, even catching up with friends for a coffee on...

buying my dream family home orange wealth
Buying my dream family home 5 years before I needed it saved me $275,000

When I think about my family home, the saying, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” comes to mind. The purchase of our family home is hands down, the best financial decision I’ve ever made - but in today’s housing market, it’s not easy. As a kid, I remember running around my family house with my brother and sister and those memories...

family benefits for your newborn orange wealth
A parent’s guide to family benefits for your newborn

Clichés usually exist for a reason and that’s because more often than not, they’re true. And the adage that nothing can prepare you for what having a baby is really like is absolutely true. Newborns are notoriously unpredictable and much of your early days as parents will be a frantic blur of feedings, interrupted sleep, constant doctor visits and all manner of baby poo. With...

financial goals for young families orange wealth
The top 7 financial goals for young families and how to set your own

Have you even seen one of those plate spinners on TV? It’s usually someone standing there furiously spinning a series of plates as each one hangs precariously on a stick, working on such a momentum as to not all come falling down. Well, sometimes life looks a bit like that. We’re all so busy trying to keep afloat while dealing with everyday stuff like work,...

luxury family holiday for under $2k
How I took my family on a luxury family holiday for under $2k

Going on holidays was something my wife and I have always enjoyed. Especially when it comes to beach locations like Thailand, Bali or Hawaii where we can get away from it all. We were determined not to give up on that after the birth of our daughter two years ago! While we knew that family holidays wouldn’t be the same as when we travelled just the...

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