Pay off debt

Fund your next family holiday for next to nothing

Holidays can be an expensive proposition. Once you factor everything in, sometimes you’re left wondering whether it’s actually worth the financial stretch, particularly when you could be putting that money, say, towards paying off the mortgage. If you’re a long-time reader of my blogs, you’ll know that getaways and holidays are a must for me and my family. We always bake-in holidays when planning next year’s...

The impossible dream… can you build wealth and live it up today?

Everything in life’s a trade-off, regardless of which way you look at it. Take accumulating wealth. To get to a point of choosing whether you want to work – or not! – takes discipline and sacrifice. In other words, getting there’ typically a massive trade-off when growing wealth. For me, the most difficult trade-off is having stuff and living happily and not beyond your means. I guess...

How do you ‘feel’ about money?!

Here’s a question I bet you’ve never asked yourself: “how does money make me feel?” It’s a tricky one to answer, right?! From my experience, there’s always an emotional attachment to money. No one’s ever truly rational when it comes to spending. In fact, most of our behaviours around spending have a degree of recklessness or exuberance. Ever bought a big-ticket item online on a Friday night after having...

Should I use a financial advisor or do it myself?

This week I’m going to answer what is perhaps the number question people ask when it comes to financial advice. Drum roll, please… Should I use a financial advisor or do it myself? It’s a big one. The million-dollar question, if you will.  Before I get down into the detail of the pros and cons each way, I’d like to preface it by saying that we actually cater...

7 mistakes families make when building wealth

Wealth is all about building up your asset base.  This is something that I’d argue is vitally important for families, in particular. It’s not just about owning your own home (preferably your ‘dream home’).  It’s about building your asset base to a point where you can start generating passive income to fund sending your kids to the right school and funding your family’s lifestyle well into retirement.  If...

Pay less tax. Here’s how!

No one likes paying tax. Let’s face it. Actually, I’ll qualify that by saying ‘too’ much tax.  There’s the often bandied about reason for the rich getting richer. To that I’d argue that anyone with a bit of wealth-driven nous is using the laws of the day – legal tax breaks, tax structure et al – to get their taxable income down and use potential return...

Demystifying debt – bad vs good!

The word ‘debt’ cops a bad wrap, in my opinion.  Mention debt, and our minds tend to jump to the negative connotations of the word. And rightfully so.  ‘Bad’ debt is exactly that – not great.  Meaning, any debt that’s not going to make you money over the medium to long term (aka building your wealth) is something you want to avoid like the plague. Well, as much...

trade war
The US & China Trade War: What you need to know

Trade wars aren’t new. They’ve been played out throughout the annals of time.  So why is the US-China Trade War, which seems to escalate with every passing week, any different?  Well, that’s a tricky one to answer. The short answer is the global economy’s been on pretty shaky ground since the Global Financial Crisis. Meaning the world’s two largest superpowers rattling their sabres is shaking what are...

Mortgage tips to pay off your home faster

Before you buy your first home, the thought of taking on a sizeable mortgage can be pretty daunting. I totally get it. I felt the same prior to taking the plunge and buying my first property back in 2007. There’s something about the psychology of borrowing such a large amount of money and paying it off over such a long period of time if, like...

How to use debt orange wealth
How to use debt | Why it’s not all bad

Debt. It’s an often misunderstood term. For your average Australian, it’s typically perceived as a dirty word, conjuring up a degree of anxiety in the process. When it comes to the D-word, Australia is one of the most leveraged countries in the world. With average household debt sitting at around 189 per cent of annual household income, it’s a bit of a worry. A lot of that has been spurred...

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