early education Tag

Making private school a reality for your kids – what you need to do

Okay, so you have kids or are planning on starting a family and want to give them the best education possible. Great. I’m the same. When my wife and I have children, we want to give our kids the best start in life we can, so I know where you’re coming from. As a financial adviser, two of the most common questions I get asked is “can...

The cost of sending your kids to a Melbourne private school explained

Private schools aren’t cheap. Far from it. Last year, Australians forked out around $10 billion dollars for private school tuition, with 49 percent covering the annual cost of out of their disposable income. With that 49 percent in mind, if you are thinking of sending your kids private, there’s a lot to consider. You need a gameplan. The earlier you have one, the better. The last thing...

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