tax Tag

Should I use a financial advisor or do it myself?

This week I’m going to answer what is perhaps the number question people ask when it comes to financial advice. Drum roll, please… Should I use a financial advisor or do it myself? It’s a big one. The million-dollar question, if you will.  Before I get down into the detail of the pros and cons each way, I’d like to preface it by saying that we actually cater...

7 mistakes families make when building wealth

Wealth is all about building up your asset base.  This is something that I’d argue is vitally important for families, in particular. It’s not just about owning your own home (preferably your ‘dream home’).  It’s about building your asset base to a point where you can start generating passive income to fund sending your kids to the right school and funding your family’s lifestyle well into retirement.  If...

Pay less tax. Here’s how!

No one likes paying tax. Let’s face it. Actually, I’ll qualify that by saying ‘too’ much tax.  There’s the often bandied about reason for the rich getting richer. To that I’d argue that anyone with a bit of wealth-driven nous is using the laws of the day – legal tax breaks, tax structure et al – to get their taxable income down and use potential return...

Why you shouldn’t blow your tax return orange wealth
Why you shouldn’t blow your tax return

It’s that time of year. If you’re like me, chances are you’ve done your tax return by now and are waiting on a potential return. Going by the stats, you’re likely one of the 82 percent of Australians who’ll get a refund this year. On average, Australians typically get a return of around $2,112, give or take. Now, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing your tax...

five ways you can bolster your tax return orange wealth
Five ways you can bolster your tax return before June 30

Mention the word tax, and it typically draws a grumble from most people, even a sense of grievance. And fair enough. Most Australians feel like they pay too much tax, generally speaking, and often don’t have a whole lot in the way of expenses they can claim to help bring their taxable income down. I’m all for paying my fair share of tax. That’s a given. But, with a young...

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