financial security Tag

The lowdown on ethical investing and how it works

Ethical investing is booming, with more and more mum-and-dad investors looking to sharpen their superannuation portfolios to align more to what’s important to them. What started as a bit of a niche investment space decade ago, has definitely hit the mainstream in the world of finance. In fact, a host of prominent superannuation funds now offer a variety of ethical investment-driven products. So what is ethical investing...

The ultimate guide to upgrading to your dream home

Buying a home? Here's everything you need to know in one place.  This article is for anyone looking to buy a home. If you're frustrated with going it alone and researching everything yourself, this article can help you.  Buying a home for the first time can be tricky.  I get it.  Everyone on the Internet has an opinion.  Which is great in one sense because there's a wealth of information...

6 things you can do right now to boost your wealth

It’s easy to put stuff off in life. That might be joining the gym so you can start getting fit, for instance. It might be saving for that next holiday. And that’s no criticism. I’m guilty of it. In saying that, I’m definitely getting better at taking action on stuff now rather than later. Maybe it comes with age. Stuff like exercising and getting fit, for example,...

Fund your next family holiday for next to nothing

Holidays can be an expensive proposition. Once you factor everything in, sometimes you’re left wondering whether it’s actually worth the financial stretch, particularly when you could be putting that money, say, towards paying off the mortgage. If you’re a long-time reader of my blogs, you’ll know that getaways and holidays are a must for me and my family. We always bake-in holidays when planning next year’s...

In your 40s and don’t have back-up plan?

Yeah? You might want to read on.  In your 20s and 30s, I’d argue you’re primarily focused on two things: your career and having fun. If you’re lucky, you’ll have had good financial habits drummed into from a young age and you’ll have been consistent squirrelling away money, making a few smart investments along the way and be on the road to living life on your terms. Your...

The impossible dream… can you build wealth and live it up today?

Everything in life’s a trade-off, regardless of which way you look at it. Take accumulating wealth. To get to a point of choosing whether you want to work – or not! – takes discipline and sacrifice. In other words, getting there’ typically a massive trade-off when growing wealth. For me, the most difficult trade-off is having stuff and living happily and not beyond your means. I guess...

How do you ‘feel’ about money?!

Here’s a question I bet you’ve never asked yourself: “how does money make me feel?” It’s a tricky one to answer, right?! From my experience, there’s always an emotional attachment to money. No one’s ever truly rational when it comes to spending. In fact, most of our behaviours around spending have a degree of recklessness or exuberance. Ever bought a big-ticket item online on a Friday night after having...

7 mistakes families make when building wealth

Wealth is all about building up your asset base.  This is something that I’d argue is vitally important for families, in particular. It’s not just about owning your own home (preferably your ‘dream home’).  It’s about building your asset base to a point where you can start generating passive income to fund sending your kids to the right school and funding your family’s lifestyle well into retirement.  If...

Can money really buy happiness orange wealth
Can money really buy happiness?

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we just had a little bit more money? I’m sure it’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves now and again. It’s easy to fall into the cycle of thinking that "if only we could get that better-paying job" or "get that pay rise" we’d been angling for, then we’d definitely be happier. We then think that with all...

financial goals for young families orange wealth
The top 7 financial goals for young families and how to set your own

Have you even seen one of those plate spinners on TV? It’s usually someone standing there furiously spinning a series of plates as each one hangs precariously on a stick, working on such a momentum as to not all come falling down. Well, sometimes life looks a bit like that. We’re all so busy trying to keep afloat while dealing with everyday stuff like work,...

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